Hair transplant for men

The number of people who suffer from hair loss for many reasons is increasing day by day including what is temporary and what lasts for the rest of life. Many reasons in the air and water as well as hair dryers, or the use of hair fixing materials and inappropriate care products are lost in hair damage and loss and many cases.

This is also compounded by the genetic factor, which plays essential role in hair loss for the largest proportion of men, is a genetic factor that can never be controlled but whose results can be treated after reaching the final position of hair after the loss has stopped.

The best and permanent solution to treat hair loss for any reason is hair transplantation, where hair is transplanted from the patient himself in the required areas and distributed as best as possible to cover the area affected by baldness.

Steps before hair transplant

The topic begins with the doctor’s examination of the patient to determine the causes of baldness and determine the areas to be covered or intensified if baldness is partial. Then the doctor also determines the number of follicles that can be affected according to the nature and density of the donor area, as donor patterns can usually extract about 4000 to 6000 follicles for a healthy person, and the number is also determined by the area of baldness or only for clopping.

Then the doctor draws the frontline, which is the most important as it completely changes the shape of the face, and drawing depends on several factors, including the experience of the doctor, as well as the age of the patient, the shape of the face, the nature of the hair and others.

Then the most appropriate technique for hair transplantation, which is proposed by the doctor in partnership with the patient, where he shows him the method  of work and the tools of each method and why the doctor proposes it for the case.

Stages of The hair transplant process

Hair transplantation is carried out with local anesthesia of the donor area at first until the appropriate number of follicles identified at the time of the initial examination are extracted, after which the extracted follicles are placed in a special nourishing liquid so that they are not damaged before transplantation.

At this stage, the channels in which the extracted follicles will be transplanted are opened in the required areas according to the specified fee, using medical instruments suitable for the method chosen by the doctor.

FUE hair transplant

One of the modern and widely used methods, it relies on extracting the follicles from the donor area using a special device that picks the follicle with the lowest possible diameter of openings, and helps to obtain the best follicles where the doctor can control the angle of growth of the transplanted hair and its natural direction. The team’s experience in performing hair transplantation plays an important role in obtaining the best results.

Advantages of this method include:

  • This operation is performed under local anesthesia and you will not feel any pain.
  • Do not leave any side effects that keep you away from your normal life.
  • The donor area is not permanently harmed or deformed.
  • Specially crafted 0.7 mm microscopic surgical Motors are used to perform follicular unit picking operations.
  • We can capture 4000 to 7000 follicles equivalent to 7500 to 50000 hairs.
  • Its Results are lasting for life and give a natural appearance to the transplanted hair.

DHI hair transplant

Which are also called Choi Pens, and the technique of hair transplantation with Choi Pens depends on integrating the stage of opening channels and transplanting follicles in one step. This development with hair transplantation has great benefits in many aspects of the transplant process and useful features, including:

  • No need to shave the area to be planted.
  • High effectiveness in intensifying hair and reaching the vacuums distributed in the scalp without the need to shave.
  • Greater control of hair Direction in the saxok and moustache area.
  • Preferred when transplanting eyebrow hair.
  • Preferred in small bald areas.
  • It’s not preferable to use it when more than to 2500-3000 follicles are needed.